Bed Bugs Problem?


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Beagles: Master Bed Bug Hunters


Posted on : 9:00 AM | By : Ajax Union Blogging | In : , , , ,

If you want to get rid of bedbugs, you first have to make sure that you have bedbugs. Doing so can be complicated; you don’t want to start spraying chemicals all around your house in hopes that you will find the lair of the bed bugs. Bed bug control starts with the beagle.

These dogs have an incredible sense of smell, which is aided by their long ears and heavy lips. As they track a bed bug scent, they use their ears to whip the scent toward their nose. Once the beagle finds a scent, he follows it, and from there the humans take over. After this step, it’s easy to get rid of bedbugs. While using chemicals and fog machines can kill bedbugs that are alive, it may not destroy eggs that are laid. Beagles can sniff out eggs too.

After the problem has been handled, the Bed Bug Inspectors will return and determine whether all of the live bed bugs and their eggs have been eliminated. Thanks to the beagle, bed bug detection is 95% accurate compared to a human inspection, which is only 17% - 30% accurate. So if you suspect a bed bug problem, call the Bed Bug Inspectors.

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Comments (1)

A bed bug dog is trained to detect the location of bed bugs in infested places. These adorable but accurate doggies know their work well.

A bed bugs dog has proved to be a great help to keep the tricky pests at bay. These bed bug detector dogs have an accuracy level of 90-95%; moreover, they just need a few minutes before they bark to a conclusion! It won't be wrong if I say that bed bugs dogs are back in business.
Bed Bug Dog

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